Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well, it has been many days, months and hours in the planning and it is almost finally here! I can't believe that this Saturday, I will become a Mrs!

This is me when I was 4!

I used to love lying in the daisies and called it my magic fairy garden! Oh how life was simple and full of fun! And to think that on Saturday I will become a wife! I will officially be grown up and starting another milestone in life! It still doesn't feel real, that in just a few days I will have a new last name, husband and be off on an amazing honeymoon! Oh how exciting!!!

This is me present day at our engagement shoot. The parasol will also be featured at the wedding!

I can't wait to spend this day with my amazing family and friends. It will be so special and a day I know I will never forget. Everyone says that it flies by so quickly and to cherish every second. We are having a day wedding so I am predicting it will go by even quicker! I will blog after the honeymoon and put up my advice for all my ladies who are planning a wedding as well.

Can't wait for the big day! It still just doesn't feel real!

Love and Hugs xoxo

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wow! It has been a while!

So how are you all? I have been run off my feet crazy busy as usual and over it! I would like the quiet life, the simple life! The life where you get enough sleep and feel lighter all over because you're not stressed and you're chilled out. So does that mean I need to become a hippy? Anyways, here is a wedding update!

The list is almost done! I have all the major things done and the little ones are all falling into place. We sorted out a photo location which won't cost us  penny! Thank goodness! Can you believe EVERYWHERE wants to charge you to use their garden or park for photos? Bloody council! Isn't that what we pay council rates for? Anywho, we have a location and it is stunning and it won't cost us anything! Yes!

My dress has arrived BUT... it is MASSIVE! I have certainly learnt to go with my gut instinct and do what I know is right for me! The sales assistant made me feel like I could not go against what she was recommending and ofcourse I went with her quote 'professional opinion' unquote and the dress is MASSIVE! My mum reassures me she will fix it and it will be amazing! So keep your fingers crossed ladies!

Speaking of ladies, it is the first hens party this weekend! We are having a 'Ladies Lunch' with the theme of being a lady- come in your best frock with gloves and hat/fascinator! I can't wait to see all the effort everyone is putting in! It will be divine! Let's hope the sun comes out!

Got my shoes for a bargain on spesh (yes they are pink!) and the jewelry is yet to be decided. I have an offer of my great grandmother's Rose gold cross-which my great grandfather gave to her on her wedding day! Ohhh.. just have to check it all matches the dress as it also hase blue sapphires and my dress has pink accents! We will see!

So most things are all coming together nicely! Watch this space for more updates and photos of the weekend!

Love and hugs xoxox

P.S. 52 days!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


A bridezilla (a neologistic portmanteau of bride and Godzilla) is a difficult, unpleasant, perfectionist bride who leaves aggravated family, friends and bridal vendors in her wake. She is often called greedy, selfish and spoiled; not caring about the people that she hurts to get exactly what she wants on her perfect day. (Taken from Wikipedia)

Click here for evidence of a Bridezilla

Bridezilla Video

I am NOT  bridezilla.

Love and Hugs xoxo

Friday, June 4, 2010


So I was reading my regular wedding blogs (which I always do when fiance is glued to the PS3!!!) and they have a link to this amazing proprosal! I wonder how long he had to rehearse with his mates to make this happen?

Check it out: (P.S Beacuse of my side bar you can't see it all so here's the link to the youtube vid: Proposal Video

What a wonderful idea and something to truly remember!

Love and Hugs xoxo

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Learning Things The Hard Way!

What is it about us and our society? We place too much emphasis on work and our jobs. We work our guts out to ensure we have fulfilled our responsibilities, work even harder to make a good impression and get blood out of a stone to ensure we further ourselves up the career ladder. AND in all of this we often forget to put ourselves first.

Now I know this doesn't apply to all of you out there because there are plenty of things that put working life in perspective for most but today I learnt first hand that we have to put some things first before our work responsibilities. Today for me I learnt that our health is far too important. As a teacher I am faced with many germs everyday from kids who still haven't learnt at the age of 12 plus, to cover their bloody coughs! Anyway, so I have a chest infection which I developed after getting a cough from my fiance who also had a chest infection. So being under the above head space of work being a priority, he soldiered on and pushed himself too hard and now his health is suffering. He has developed a bad case of Pleurisy, borderline Pneumonia! Anyways, without going into it too much detail, I've made my point...

1. Listen to your body and put yourself first at least once when you get the flu this winter.
2. Always listen to the women in your life. ie. Your mum, fiance, girlfriend, wife etc. They may be a real nag when it comes to things like this BUT it may save you a whole heap of pain in the end.
3. Sometimes you have to cancel your plans just so you can rest up. So sorry friends if we're M.I.A for a few weeks untill we're all better!

Click here for a smile!

Love and Hugs xoxo

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Well, I had a girlfriend over the other night who is a few years younger than myself. We had a lovely dinner and catch up. Whilst eating dinner we watched "Roseanne"-yes of course these were re-runs and very typical of a 90's sitcom. Anywho, this got us talking about TV shows we used to love and my friend had no idea what we were talking about. I mean she didn't know Roseanne or Home Improvement or  even who the Gobbledock is!!!!!!! (I am loving the retun of the G by the way!)

So this made me feel super old! She did reassure me she did have a sheltered child hood and they didn't watch much tele at all. So this did make me feel a bit better... We continued down the memory lane and once we saw the Gobbledock on the tv with his new ad and new, 21st century revamp of his little fluffy costume, we rememebered one of the iconic Australian TV ads- The Goggo Mobile ad! So here's to one of my fave ads of the 90s!

Love and Hugs xxoo

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Choose Your Own Adventure Blogging

Sometimes when I'm over looking on Facebook etc and I've done all the work required for the evening I go on a blog adventure! 

If you notice at the top of my page it has a link that says "Next Blog". If you click on this it takes you randomly through people's blogs. I really do love seeing where it takes me! Sometimes it is wonderful and sometimes it is poo because once you start to click through each blog you will notice that they put them in themes. So if you get a blog on food followed by another followed on food then more often then not the next one is about food too! It can be a little boring and not successful to my tastes but tonight I've come across a couple of blogs I am now following!

So here is my list from tonight's adventure:

 A blog about her married life and what she is doing each day. This is about the adventure of marriage and life that unfolds through this journey of life. I think I love this one because I'm almost there and it is an awesome idea for my blog when that time comes for us!

Again, this is a love blog! I think it's interesting! Do you think you could make love donuts? Mmm... now I want donuts! :) Check out the His and Hers Modern spin on bed linen! I love the the U Complete Me pillows! So creative! And the funny wedding favours!
My personal fave blogs that I follow are:


Once you find a blog you like, you can always have a look at the blogs they follow as these are often along the same theme as their's. You should find a list of who they follow somewhere on their blog. That makes me wonder-can you see my list? I'm going to have a look now!

Love and Hugs xoxo